I have a difficulty in understanding the modifications of Panchmahabhoots. I could understand vibration in Akashtattva led to Agnitattva. The next modification from Agnitattva – containing only heat to element containing totally opposite in quality i.e. Jalatattva is difficult to understand. In between are there any stages of converting/producing totally different element with an intention to produce a rigid tattva i.e. Prithvi tattva 🌍?

Akash tattva is an endless expansion created by the waves or vibrations emanating from Nada. But this endless expansion can create Space but not forms and objects. So the waves or vibrations modify themselves so as to create not uniformly spreading waves but criss crossing patterns. This is the Vayu or aerial tattva. It creates directions but not yet forms. This mutual interaction of waves and vibrations becomes intense releasing tremendous energy and thus gets modified into Agni tattva or fire which is energy giving rise to heat and light.  Here we have first forms that are not stable enough.  By cooling down this intense energy due to concentrated vibrations changes into jala tattva or flowing elements or water. This further condenses by the vibrations getting coalesced and crystallized to give birth to Prithvi tattva or earth which then becomes the basis for first stable forms. In the forms thus created all the other elements are there. Thus prthvi tattva is present as the force of gravity binding and giving rise to mass and weight, jala tattva is present as the force of attraction and repulsion within the atom, agni as the nucleus, vayu tattva is present in the wheeling motion and the Akash tattva in all the empty spaces within and outside. 

There are the five corresponding senses to receive these modified vibrations to give shape to the object in collusion with the mind. The ear receives the nada vibrations of Space, eye the light and heat generated by the fire, touch receives the aerial contact, tongue the water and smell the earth element. 

That completes the picture. 


Alok Da

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