The first thing required is to be clear as to what both of you want. I suppose both of you also want a child but natural conception is difficult. In that case why not take advantage of modern medical advances and go in for alternate ways to have a child. A third option, which may not be the best is adoption. If you do not wish to go through these alternate routes, – and it is perfectly understandable, then you should communicate clearly to your social contacts that you have tried but as things do not seem to be working out both of you have taken a conscious decision not to have a child.
In fact there are plenty of couple these days who consciously decide not to have a child. It gives them a certain degree of freedom to pursue their independent goals. As to society, it will say for some time but eventually they will understand. After all it is your life and you have the right to choose about the way you want to go. And who knows if by denying you the experience of child birth and parenting, God and destiny do have a greater plan for you? Sometimes it is good to accept destiny as God’s Will and surrender to it with prayers that may the best come out of this.
Alok Da