Ask Alok da
We know of so many people who are facing impossible situations and problems and they are helpless. They do not know what to do or whom to ask.
This is a dedicated site for those who are searching for answers, who want to break from their present repeating circles of life and looking for answers that will understand them, help them find a new way-a new solution towards life beautiful and Divine.

I work in the field of stock market and Finance at the same time I have a strong pull inside me towards Sri Aurobindo and Sri Krishna. I am very much moved by the Essays on the Gita and am trying to put into practice whatever little I have understood. There Sri Krishna does not qualify works into Divine and Undivine but rather advises to turn all life into a Yoga. My question is how can I transform my professional activities into a Karmayoga, because all of my professional actives whirl around the satisfaction of my own or somebody else’s desires while Sri Krishna advises to work in a desireless spirit😥?
he steps to turning all works into karmayoga may be summarised as below.
1. Remember the Divine at the beginning of whatever you

What is the use of doing all Puja’s and all once you have turned to The Mother? Why people who have turned to her do all this ? Isn’t it a step back from what Mother is teaching us 🫤?
There is certainly no need to do any pujas once one has turned to the Divine Mother. All our puja and worship and surrender must

How can we become worthy of God’s love 💓for us?
God’s love is unconditional. But to receive His Love we have to open ourselves to Him and what better way than to respond to God’s

Who are the inferior God’s referred by Sri Aurobindo in Savitri🕊️?
These are the gods who are stationed in the vital and higher mental worlds. Their action is mainly to satisfy our desires, protect us sometimes

What is the difference between mukti and get oneness with Maa? Is that same🤔?
Mukti is of different kinds but fundamentally it means freedom from Ignorance. It means that we know our soul, our true Self, the Divine within

Will the Superman have a body made of flesh and blood, or will it consist of only a subtle, ethereal form? What will be the constituents of his Supramental body as explained by the Mother and Sri Aurobindo? Kindly provide references to where they have discussed this concept🤨.
There is a difference between the body of the Superman and the Supramental body. The Superman is an intermediary between the human and the supramental

I realize that surrendering completely is essential, but I struggle with it. Right now, I’m not in a good place—while my batchmates are progressing in their careers, I am still without a job despite working hard. This has affected my confidence deeply, and I find myself feeling inadequate and easily distracted😥. Please advise.
Success in outer life is a combination of factors. It is not a judgment on one’s capacity or character. Besides each person has his or

Mothers says cultivating disinterestedness is the first step towards living a true life. What are some of the practical ways to become disinterested, or act disinterestedly in life🤔? Especially when one sees so many defects in oneself.
It means to do things without reference to oneself, selflessly as an offering to Her regardless of the fruits or any other personal gain. In

Why did Sri Aurobindo not take up any writing from the 1920’s apart from Savitri? Did he think the mission was complete🤔?
His mission was far from simply writing books. That was only the beginning of his collective work for humanity. He came not only to teach

It is said that “Not even a leaf moves without God’s will”. If this is the case then why these Kumbh Snan, yoga, worship bhakti is required? Through these means can God be influenced to give us wisdom and strength to live a blissful life🤨?
First of all this saying needs to be understood correctly and qualified because otherwise the logical conclusion would be that all the evil and wicked

What is the purpose of this evolution🫤?
The purpose of evolution is to progressively manifest the Divine hidden in matter through steps and stages. Each species takes up something of the past

I had a question regarding menstruation and Indian traditional values in some places. In my household, there has always been restrictions to not go to temple or enter Pooja room or even an extreme case, that my maternal grandmother won’t even touch someone on periods as somehow that will be a hindrance and she will have to cleanse herself before going to the Pooja room. This has always been something that bothered me and angered me a lot as a kid and even now sometimes. I don’t understand the whole concept clearly, why would God be so anti about it as they say. Is there any science behind it or any logic or anything. Or it’s the right thing😌?
These are never rules of God and are not supported by any authentic scriptures. They were rules of hygiene as is evident from restrictions to

Sometimes when I meditate, I feel like some parts of the body are very still and maybe not even there. I have strongest urge to just move one finger or toe and check that everything is alright. I try not to most times. Then on my birthday🎂….
The experience you describe is an authentic spiritual experience wherein every part of the body seems dissolved and only the head remains. It is so

Were you Sri Aurobindo 😇in your previous life?
There can never be another Sri Aurobindo, one and eternal. In my previous life I was, and so were many of us, with Sri Aurobindo.

Alok da how did Krishna look? He has been show as grey blue which I don’t think was how he looked, was he dark wheatish fair? Many painting make him wear so much of gaudy jewellery and sometimes they draw his face like a woman, how did he look🙂?
Sri Aurobindo who had several intimate meetings with Sri Krishna describes him as ‘a boy who is dark and resplendent’, ‘beauty of immortal eyes’, ‘red

Why is there suffering to those who are vibhuti’s and Avatar’s😥?
How will a doctor know if he himself has never fallen sick? Avatars especially go through this human experience so that they can help man.

Dearest Alok da, From lines of Savitri: High seers, moved poets saw the eternal thoughts That, travellers from on high, arrive to us Deformed by our search, tricked by costuming mind,…
It is the actual experience of a god each time he or she takes a human birth. The consciousness of a true, great god is

Also please explain what could be the thinking behind India’s gifting Natraja statue for installation at CERN🤔
It is a centre for particle physics which has been described by some physicists as if symbolically represented by the dance of Shiva as Nataraja.