Ask Alok da

We know of so many people who are facing impossible situations and problems and they are helpless. They do not know what to do or whom to ask. 

This is a dedicated site for those who are searching for answers, who want to break from their present repeating circles of life and looking for answers that will understand them, help them find a new way-a new solution towards life beautiful and Divine.

I work in the field of stock market and Finance at the same time I have a strong pull inside me towards Sri Aurobindo and Sri Krishna. I am very much moved by the Essays on the Gita and am trying to put into practice whatever little I have understood. There Sri Krishna does not qualify works into Divine and Undivine but rather advises to turn all life into a Yoga. My question is how can I transform my professional activities into a Karmayoga, because all of my professional actives whirl around the satisfaction of my own or somebody else’s desires while Sri Krishna advises to work in a desireless spirit😥?

he steps to turning all works into karmayoga may be summarised as below.
1. Remember the Divine at the beginning of whatever you

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I realize that surrendering completely is essential, but I struggle with it. Right now, I’m not in a good place—while my batchmates are progressing in their careers, I am still without a job despite working hard. This has affected my confidence deeply, and I find myself feeling inadequate and easily distracted😥. Please advise.

Success in outer life is a combination of factors. It is not a judgment on one’s capacity or character. Besides each person has his or

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I  had a question regarding menstruation and Indian traditional values in some places. In my household, there has always been restrictions to not go to temple or enter Pooja room or even an extreme case, that my maternal grandmother won’t even touch someone on periods as somehow that will be a hindrance and she will have to cleanse herself before going to the Pooja room. This has always been something that bothered me and angered me a lot as a kid and even now sometimes. I don’t understand the whole concept clearly, why would God be so anti about it as they say. Is there any science behind it or any logic or anything. Or it’s the right thing😌?

These are never rules of God and are not supported by any authentic scriptures. They were rules of hygiene as is evident from restrictions to

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