Ask Alok da

We know of so many people who are facing impossible situations and problems and they are helpless. They do not know what to do or whom to ask. 

This is a dedicated site for those who are searching for answers, who want to break from their present repeating circles of life and looking for answers that will understand them, help them find a new way-a new solution towards life beautiful and Divine.

Why some people suffer so much in their lives both physically and mentally while others get everything smooth both mentally and physically? Yesterday I went to meet my 82 year old neighbour who is suffering from cancer for the past four years. Her treatment is going on and she was fine till June 2024 but now she has become very weak and suffering from multiple myeloma. One can see pain and suffering in her eyes. After meeting her I felt it is better to die than to live in this condition😭. Is this suffering due to what we call prarabdh or is it something else? And why not death comes and take lives of such persons who are suffering a lot because it is very painful to live in such condition?

That earthly life has its burden of suffering is obvious. The difference exists in theories about the cause of suffering. The wise say its root

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Following para is from the book Shakti & Shakta by Sir John Woodroffe, Page#418 & 419-Chapter XXI-Hindu Ritual: The Wave of Bliss🌊, citing Samaya Tantra, says: “By the worship of some Deva, liberation is with difficulty attained, and by the worship of others enjoyment is to be had, but in the case of the worshipper of the Mother, both enjoyment and liberation lie in the hollow of his hands.” But, unless prayed to, the Mother or Devī does not, give fruit, and naturally so. FOR THE DEVI IS MOVED TO ACTION THROUGH THE PRAYERS OF THE WORSHIPPER. ESSENTIALLY THE WORSHIPPER IS THE DEVĪ HERSELF, AND UNLESS SHE IN HER FORM AS THE WORSHIPPER IS MOVED, SHE IN HER ASPECT AS THE SUPREME LORD—“OUR LADY” DOES NOT MOVE. I am struggling to comprehend the above lines in capital letters. Request your kind guidance.

It means that All is the Divine Mother. The forms She has built by HER power of limiting Maya are Herself in disguise. The power

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How do we know that the events described in the scriptures 📚actually happened in the past? What evidence do we have to support their authenticity, and why do we trust the writings of the Rishis? While I understand that these writings display incredible imagination, why do we worship what may essentially be their imaginative creations?

There are three kinds of Scriptures. First type do not describe events but spiritual experiences that occur in inner subjective space and often belong to

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Mother speaks in her Agenda, “The most difficult thing in the material world, here, is to fight against the result of all those millennia of experiences that have created a sort of pessimistic and defeatist consciousness—a general consciousness, you know, like this (gesture enveloping the earth). It isn’t formulated in words, but for that consciousness it can be expressed thus, “Yes, we don’t deny the existence of all those divine things, but they aren’t for us, they’re for …” (gesture to the heights)”(1) What exactly is this defeatist 😦consciousness? It is the general resistance from humanity to Truth, as it has always been?

1) Yes it is the general resistance to the possibility of anything ever changing the earthly life. Almost all the spiritual sects I know deny

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Alok da , I am always confused and indecisive🫣.. this led me to always having big dreams and achieving nothing nor effectively studying since I was 12 and I’m close to 30. I give up like anything. Either I don’t like this or that about this job or that job or this exam or that exam or I’m scared of job profile as a girl or it’s in my state and I want to explore and it’s the same in all aspects of my life. And I never give 100% effort. I feel like I will end up a loser if this keeps going and after all this thinking I again end up watching random web series. The only good thing in life is the 10-20 minutes I spend talking to image of Ma and Aurobindo in the book. But by making mistakes which I know are mistakes, Isn’t that just pushing me more into darkness? Am I rushing or hurrying too much? It’s like I’m sinking deeper and deeper into the abyss of old habits and I don’t know where and what to conquer and stick to it. I’ve watched everything all cures but do nothing for long. Then a thought comes why am I worrying about all this when it’s all god’s plan and then again fall into the cycle in a day or two. I don’t understand anything. You’ll guide me and I’ll not even follow that for more than three days. Can I possibly do anything to grow and rise to a balanced living?

I have a simple suggestions for you.
Sit quietly for 10 min everyday and think about the purpose of your life.

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Is it useful to have separation of Purusha from Prakriti in Integral Yoga. Also is it necessary to attain this Purusha Consciousness before one can live in Supramental Consciousness 🧐. If yes then what are the steps to attain the Purusha Consciousness in Integral Yoga? If one only surrenders to Mother, can he also attain Purusha Consciousness and then Supramental Consciousness. Kindly discuss elaboratively on this Purusha Consciouness in the light of Sri Aurobindo and also in the light of Gita. Why Gita put more importance on surrender rather than having separation of Purusha from Prakriti. It will be nice if you can provide refences from Sri Aurobindo’s writing on this.

Separation of the Purusha from Prakriti by cultivating and deepening the Sakshi bhav (witness Consciousness) is indeed described as one of the first important steps

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From few weeks I am not able to bear the power of Divine consciousness. I am not able to hear or read anything related to Mother and Sri Aurobindo. Whenever I try to think of anything related to God my mind becomes kind of numb for some time. I am scared that my mind can breakdown if i continue on the path. I don’t know if its because I am not able to surrender to the Divine because I have doubts about which form of Divine i have to surrender to. How can i help myself in this case? Also recently some relationship did not work and I feel very sad about it. I don’t find meaning in life. I want to live for the ideal of immortal love and also take care that I take a wise decision so that my ideal is not against the Higher Wisdom. How can I make life more meaningful with this ideal in mind 😪(to have love in my heart for the person till the end and not give that space to anyone else)?

It is beautiful to have an ideal because without an ideal man is as good as dead. Yet at the same time one must know

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