Questions on Mother, Sri Aurobindo and Savitri

How to face the challenges of mind when the mother’s force act upon it especially a lot of doubt and narrowness arising in mind and when the doubt come it have given a pain and restlessness in lower part. When i have try to reject this thoughts they are again coming and coming in surface mind. When i feel psychic pressure then it is vanish. Why the two paradox in spiritual life? When we closer to the divine the obstacles are vanishing but that obstacles are oppose to find the divine. Dada can you advice what should i do because i have felt the presence of the divine within my heart but i don’t feel it everytime because obstacles are opposing. I also want to the devotion, surrender, love towards the mother but when i touch some good experience after that i also feel the difficulties of nature. Please Dada suggest me why it is happen and how to deal with this situation and how to cultivate the faith, devotion and aspiration towards the Mother during the challenges of nature😏?

The raising of obstacles either soon after or just before touching some new experience or spiritual possibility is quite common. In fact it is almost

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Mother and Sri Aurobindo encouraged people to participate in sports and martial arts. In some sports, especially martial arts, there’s a high likelihood of getting injured, sometimes causing long-term damage. Is it worth the pain? Or is it better to do some exercise such as yoga, in which one’s health is not compromised🤔?

There was a time when the Mother encouraged the Ashram students as well as Ashram inmates to participate in the physical education activities to prepare

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Below are the lines from Savitri 🕊️from the Book of the Everlasting Day: “Of all the beauty and the marvel here, Of all Time’s intricate variety Eternity was the substance and the source; Not from a plastic mist of Matter made, They offered the suggestion of their depths And opened the great series of their powers.” pg. 672, What is this plastic mist of Matter?

It is the original Matter, possibly some kind of an ionised Matter. It is the substance of which the body of …

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Sri Aurobindo writes in his book Essays Divine and Human: “Matter, Life, Mind, Supermind or Gnosis, and beyond these the quadruple power of a supreme Being-Consciousness-Force-Bliss—these are the grades of the evolutionary ascent from inconscience to the Superconscience.” (pg.249) He also writes that “The evolution of the earth nature is not finished because it has manifested only three powers out of the seven-fold scale of consciousness that is involved in manifested Nature. It has brought out from its apparent inconscience only the three powers of Mind and Life and Matter.” (pg.244) Can we infer from this that after Supermind, the luminous planes of Sat, Chit and Ananda will be evolving here on earth🧐? Of course, the question is mainly to know if I have correctly comprehended Sri Aurobindo’s vision of evolution and its fulfilment here on earth

Absolutely so. After the Supramental Manifestation and the Supramental body there will be the Manifestation of Bliss and the bliss body. Sri Krishna worked for

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