How to use one’s Discerning Mind in certain Situations like Heart break or Dealing with loss events?Most often we know certain thing is not good for us but still why we can’t use Discerning Mind over Our Emotions😏 and what’s the way to use it? Please Explain.

The discerning mind is able to turn inwards and upwards instead of the discursive mind that rushes outwards and leaps at appearances.  The first thing needed therefore is to learn to quieten the mind and the restless emotions. This can be done through meditation, through offering our inner state and outer situation to God with a simple faith that He knows our problem and is looking into it. The offering can be inner through thoughts or else written as a letter. Taking the Divine Name and calling Peace with or without a Mantra also has a calming effect. Along with these one should try to divert and channelise the mind in meaningful activities even if it be done mechanically. Sharing with a genuine friend is also a natural way to reduce the pain.

Once there is a relative quietening then we can bring the discerning mind forward to reflect upon what is there behind the appearances,  what is it that I need to be conscious of or learn. Reflection is a quiet process wherein one raises the question and waits for an answer to spring up as an insight as opposed to a brainstorming analytical process. It is important not to judge oneself or others or enter into blame game and justifications and complaint mode. The discerning mind cannot function when anger and fear is rushing through the system.

While reflecting one can raise the following questions. 

Is this situation unique to me or common to the human kind?

Why is death, failure, loss, suffering attached to earthly life?

What is the real value of the event apart from the habitual reaction and why exactly am I suffering?

What is the lesson to be learnt and the way forward not only out of this crisis but to make oneself invulnerable against future crisis?

A book that can truly help us in this process is the Gita. Read and dwell upon its truths as well as the truths in the Upanishads. Another good book for this state is the Dhammapada commentaries by the Mother.  Savitri, the epic poem by Sri Aurobindo is the ultimate.  


Alok Da

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