There is obviously no action that is without consequence. Even inaction and refusal to act has its outer as well as inner consequences. However the same action has different inner consequences based on our inner attitude and motive. That is the teaching of the Gita. Action done unconsciously in tamasic indifference makes our consciousness dull and obscure. Action done under the stress of desire and rajasic ambition brings joy and sorrow, pleasure and pain as consequence. Action done in a sattwic state considering the right time and place brings peace and light. But the same action done without desire for fruits and as an offering to the Divine brings inner spiritual freedom and growth of the soul.
Alok Da
Original question asked in Hindi: सर, मैंने ऐसा कर्म खोजने की कोशिश की जो फल से मुक्त हो लेकिन ऐसा कोई कर्म नहीं मिला जो फल से मुक्त हो। क्या कोई ऐसा कर्म है जो फल से मुक्त हो?