If we look at nature, the apex creatures strangely do not multiply so much as the lower creatures. To those down below, Nature gives numbers. To those up above in the evolutionary chain Nature gives capacities. Lions, eagles, the king cobra, whales and dolphins, elephants and cows and horses, guerrilla and chimpanzee are always lesser in numbers than deer and goat, the sparrow and the carp and minnow or worms and mosquitoes and the common monkey. It is as if Nature either gives power to evolve or to multiply, either reproduction or new creation. That is why Yogis speak of Brahmacharya so that the energies of reproduction can turn upwards and transmute into the evolution of the spiritual being.
In case however the lower creature that is more in number becomes an apex predator, a menace to others, like the dynasour, then Nature finds ways and means to eliminate it. This is because Nature is conscious Force and a misuse of her energies invariably boomerangs after a point. So let the excessive population of the Islamic world multiply. Nature will weaken the race in character and wisdom and strength leading it to destroy itself. On the other hand let us not imitate these past ideologies that are foredoomed to fail and fall. When and how is the only question, possibly fighting within themselves. Let us instead surge towards the future, evolve spiritually as our rishis did and grow in capacity, power, Wisdom and strength. One Arjuna is better than the entire Kuru army, one Bheema heavier than the hundred Kauravas. That has always been the case. Of course we should be vigilant but from a position of strength and strength is not in numbers as much in quality and capacity.
Alok Da