Can you please explain woke theory, how it started and it seems so dangerous… I am glad India is not touched by it but how can we Indians fight 👊 this nonsense theory? 

Leaving aside the origin of the term in 1930s the word came to stand for becoming aware of various forms of social injustices such as against Blacks, Women, marginalised sections of the Society such as the LGBTQ+ communities. The stated intent is to render social justice. As such it appears as a laudable goal but as we can see it is reinventing Marxism in a new way. As a political ideology it thrives on real or unreal conflicts without which it cannot function and will be rendered meaningless. But the conception of Marxism was largely based on economic inequality and without understanding the deeper reasons of the economic divide which includes as diverse factors as laziness, competence, on one side to greed and exploitation on the other. It tried to address it and achieve economic and social justice simply by violent means leading to great unrest and instability. The result was worse than the original problem, a flattening of mankind into a single category, an ironing out of diversity, complete State control over the individual, disincentivisng creativity, it led to a spiraling down of human values of effort, competence, excellence, greatness etc. 

Wokeism is a Rebirth of Marxism, as intolerant in its methods which are primarily protests and even toppling of governments that do not tow its line as you see in the recent destabiling of the Bangladesh government. In trying to create social justice it starts creating a strong sense of division between communities, then create conflicts, often violent ones between them. In the name of equality, it ends up fanning the fire of division and hate. Taking its stand on the ‘left liberal’ ground it is intolerant of the ‘right’ and therfore by default against all the religious and higher spiritual aspiration of mankind since it regards it as a kind of elitism and a means to deceive the masses of the real issues. Therefore it invests money and resources against all right wing governments for example it tried its best to topple the BJP by engendering farmer protests, khalistan protests, kashmir protests claiming that Moslems have been wronged against, that women in India are oppressed, that the whole of Hinduism is only about Casteism and Brahminism thus unleashing a war of false narratives to bring whole mankind under one ideology, of the left communist thought.  It breaks family values by instigating children for choosing their gender at the age of 5 when they are not even equipped to know what choice and freedom means. There are many more things but essentially it is a nexus two falsehoods, the leftist and the Islamist trying to create unity by blurring out all diversity, by flattening out all that is great and beautiful and high and precious in human life, by destabiling families and countries, using diabolic means and narratives to catch young minds, but only to end up creating division, upheaval, confusion, distortion of history by giving it a slant that justifies its theories, in the end by a breakdown of the world order and bringing about anarchy. Describing each of these would require a detailed write up. But for now it may be best to leave with these lines of Savitri describing the world of falsehood where the actions are quite opposed to the proclaimed truth, justice rendered by worse injustice and granting legitimacy to all that is false but wearing the deceptive mask of Truth to avoid detection. It is a perfect description of a mixed cocktail of the Islamic and Communist ideology, both of which claim one thing and practice another. That is where one can see the clear faultline. The Woke who claim to fight against social injustices never say a word against the injustices against women and other religions by the Islamists nor raise any voice at the intolerance of the Islamic world against LGBT nor about the complete suppression of individual freedom both in Islam and Communism. But their guns are directed against India, against the Hindu thought and Sanatan Dharma while using Europe and America as their breeding ground. Here are the lines below.

‘Injustice justified by firm decrees

The sovereign weights of Error’s legalised trade,

But all the weights were false and none the same;

Ever she watched with her balance and a sword,

Lest any sacrilegious word expose

The sanctified formulas of her old misrule.

In high professions wrapped self-will walked wide

And licence stalked prating of order and right:

There was no altar raised to Liberty;

True freedom was abhorred and hunted down:

Harmony and tolerance nowhere could be seen;

Each group proclaimed its dire and naked Law.

A frame of ethics knobbed with scriptural rules

Or a theory passionately believed and praised

A table seemed of high Heaven’s sacred code.

A formal practice mailed and iron-shod

Gave to a rude and ruthless warrior kind

Drawn from the savage bowels of the earth

A proud stern poise of harsh nobility,

A civic posture rigid and formidable.

But all their private acts belied the pose:

Power and utility were their Truth and Right,

An eagle rapacity clawed its coveted good,

Beaks pecked and talons tore all weaker prey.

In their sweet secrecy of pleasant sins

Nature they obeyed and not a moralist God.

Inconscient traders in bundles of contraries,

They did what in others they would persecute;

When their eyes looked upon their fellow’s vice,

An indignation flamed, a virtuous wrath;

Oblivious of their own deep-hid offence,

Moblike they stoned a neighbour caught in sin.

A pragmatist judge within passed false decrees,

Posed worst iniquities on equity’s base,

Reasoned ill actions just, sanctioned the scale

Of the merchant ego’s interest and desire.

Thus was a balance kept, the world could live.

A zealot fervour pushed their ruthless cults,

All faith not theirs bled scourged as heresy;

They questioned, captived, tortured, burned or smote

And forced the soul to abandon right or die…..

Only what seemed was prized as real there:

The ideal was a cynic ridicule’s butt;

Hooted by the crowd, mocked by enlightened wits,

Spiritual seeking wandered outcasted,—

A dreamer’s self-deceiving web of thought

Or mad chimaera deemed or hypocrite’s fake,

Its passionate instinct trailed through minds obscure

Lost in the circuits of the Ignorance.

A lie was there the truth and truth a lie.’


Alok Da

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