In the lines –‘Almost that day the epiphany was disclosed Of which our thoughts and hopes are signal flares;’, What exactly is this epiphany🙂?

The revelation of the New Manifestation that is hinted in our thoughts and hopes of a beautiful diviner life.

The omniscient Goddess leaned across the breadths 

That wrap the fated journeyings of the stars

And saw the spaces ready for her feet.

I am thinking this Goddess is Savitri herself. Or is it more a reference to Divine Mother who will incarnate as Savitri? Also, it is said here that the spaces were ‘ready for her feet’ but we soon find that ‘Only a little the god-light can stay’ and that ‘The excess of beauty natural to god-kind

Could not uphold its claim on time-born eyes;’. How was that it all looked ready for the goddess but turned out that she was not received well and had to go back?

It is the Divine Mother preparing for her advent. The spaces are the layers of consciousness ready to hold her power. 

The power comes but is unable to stay for long. The readiness is the receiving part. The inability to stay is the incapacity of material life and matter based existence to hold the Divine Power for long (having received it). Man is too small and weak and unable to contain the Light for long. He receives, but after a while all turns back into the routine mechanical existence. 


Alok Da

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