Mahalakshmi is related primarily to inner wealth. Now when we try to cultivate beauty and harmony within and around with people and forces and the materials we use; when we are precise and exact in our dealings with the world around us; when we keep an account of the movement of materials and money as a good accountant, when we spread beauty and harmony in the world around, then we naturally attract both inner and outer wealth including money. Of course it is understood that we must work well turning our work into a worship and service to the Divine in and through the material world and its resources.
On the other hand if we live in a state of inner disharmony and our life is full of ugly thoughts then, even if we have inherited a massive amount of wealth or earned it somehow, we either lose it, or are unable to enjoy it, or if we enjoy through the usual means of parties and luxury as most do, we get increasingly dislocated from our inner truth, become trapped in a world of artificial lights and falsehood where the sun of Truth and the spontaneous joys of creation cannot enter. This is the worst nightmare, to earn money and lose our soul.
So it is best to observe and live by the dharma of a true vaishya rather than invite beings of the other worlds because the forces that control money are mostly from the mid-worlds, yakshas like Kuber and Nagas who may give money but extract a heavy inner price. Kuber is not easy to please nor does he part money easily except when he sees that you are genuinely engaged in some good work. Generally it is these inferior Asuric beings who respond and they are too dangerous to court with. Don’t let your life follow that trail.
Alok Da