Can you please explain the Russia and Ukraine war, who is right and who is wrong? Who is fighting for Dharma and who is the Asuric force😐?

Wars are far more complex than individuals or small tribal clashes. The issues involved are many and hence it is often difficult to decide where each side stands in terms of right and wrong. The Ramayana and the Mahabharata war as also the Two World wars on the previous century were rather easier to define. But here too if one started looking for the rights and wrongs one would often be lost in a haze since both sides would have good and bad kings as well as well intentioned and bad intentioned human beings. The original cause triggering the war is often a long sequence of events running through generations and intertwined in a criss cross of rights and wrongs.

Here we need to see the difference between human ideas of right and wrong which is largely a mental notion which is like a temporary oil lamp useful to navigate in our journey through the darkness of ignorance. But dharma is like the sunlight which shows us not just the immediate step but the direction in which we are going. The immediate step may seem right and safe and yet it may be leading us in a wrong direction in the long run and from the wider standpoint. Thus for example the victory of Ravana, of Duryodhana and of Hitler would have meant the development of mankind along Asuric lines which would be a retrogression pushing back the civilization into great darkness.

The Russia Ukraine war does not serve any such direct evolutionary purpose. They were together for a very long time and were separated due to a cunning game played by America. It is natural that the two parts would be pushed towards union especially the Eastern parts of Ukraine that are linguistically and culturally close to Russia. It is a situation somewhat similar to the split of India and Pakistan which being unnatural has a tendency to join together pushed by circumstances. From the larger standpoint a weakened Russia due to a prolonged war is not good either for Asia and India. A weakened Russia may be pushed into forming some kind of an alliance with China creating a dangerous Socialist block. Its impact upon India is obvious. Hopefully this would not be and the war would soon be left behind bringing together the eastern Ukraine and Russia strengthening it further. Perhaps the Western part may go to Europe and then become a bridge between Asia and Europe. The sooner, the better. Let’s see.


Alok Da

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