Can you please explain this dream: Last night, I had a dream in which I saw that a negative force, like an old man, was attacking my grandmother, and the priest said that the effect of the ritual performed earlier with a Muslim man was diminishing. Then the priest said we would have to perform the ritual again. Preparations for the ritual began, and I had a small baby in my lap. I was trying to tell my family not to get involved in this and to chant God’s name instead. They brought a chest from inside. Initially, it wouldn’t open, but when they finally opened it, vegetables came out, and it seemed like those vegetables had been inside for many years. The vegetables turned into plants, and they were very fresh. There was a chili plant among them. Then my little sister and I went outside to plant it. There, we found a lemon plant with tiny lemons on it. My sister changed it and put some wooden support around the plant. When I checked it, the lemon plant broke from my hand, and I cried a lot😭.

The sandook is the past subconscious store of experiences that have come with you. Dadi also represents that. These seeds sown in the past and the influences of different, even opposite kinds are acting.  But the saving Grace is that you have got the right key, the Mother’s Name. Hence some of these growths, pleasant or painful are dropping off which is a good thing. But your outer personality is attached to the past and hence is crying. 

Best is to leave the past behind and forge ahead with the help of Her Grace. 


Alok Da

Follow up question:

Which part of my past am I attached to that is being explained to me through the symbols in my dreams? I am not able to understand it, and I don’t know what to let go of. I am very confused.

There are many things that remain buried in the subconscient. We are generally not conscious of them. They show up sometimes as fleeting wishes and passing fears, tendencies during childhood. One has to be quite sincere to detect them. Sometimes these could be seeds of the past that sprout in this life, out of the stock of karmas. It need not be something bad. The dream is not trying to explain you anything. They are often simply hints or notations of something going on inside. Here, in the dream it is only an indication and not any suggestion for action. So offer it to the Divine and be happy. It is only the Divine Grace that can clear the subconscient and let beautiful flowers bloom in desert sands and make the plants come alive and bear happy fruits out of near dead seeds. 


Alok Da

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