
How do we know that the events described in the scriptures 📚actually happened in the past? What evidence do we have to support their authenticity, and why do we trust the writings of the Rishis? While I understand that these writings display incredible imagination, why do we worship what may essentially be their imaginative creations?

There are three kinds of Scriptures. First type do not describe events but spiritual experiences that occur in inner subjective space and often belong to

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“Gautam Buddha had renounced everything in the internal circumstances he faced; I don’t think the Gita could have resolved that situation by sending him back to household life and restoring the kingdom to him.” — Sri Aurobindo (Gita Prabandh, Essence of the Teachings) Sir, what kind of problem was it that the Gita could not solve🤔?

Arjuna’s problem was whether to fight the war or not. He was fleeing from his duty, being afflicted by the attachment to his family. On

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I had asked you about why is it that I am having difficulty associating with, let us say, pictures of Gods😇, Vishnu on Naga or Shankar on Kailash mountain. As I am studying more and more about Life after Death and Souls, I am realizing more and more, that although souls or spirits are pure energy, there must be some system as what happens to soul after he leaves the body. Let me explain further.

Quite so. We can look at the soul as the individualisation of pure energy or pure consciousness and hence it is a drop of Truth

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Hanuman,  Jamvant and the vanar sena. We Indian ‘s take these beings on faith buy for people of different faiths, how are these beings to be introduced so that they do not doubt their authenticity. And a few others too like Kak bhushundi, Garudha and a few others, if any. Please explain so that the foreigners are thoroughly convinced. I’m stuck at this point so as always do help me. It is a task the Mother has given me as I was imploring Her for some service I could render 🙏

The Ramayana and the Mahabharata are called as itihasa or history. But the history these wonderful works describe are two critical moments during the collective

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This question has been lingering in my mind since many years, its about Mahabharata. Arjuna was a great warrior, a bhakta yet had 4 marriages. So did he marry due to attraction or were these marriages done for a political purpose or where they done out of love?And if the marriages were done out of love then would it not be adharma towards his first wife🤨?

The ideal of one marriage is a relatively modern idea. In ancient times, the ideal of one marriage was mainly advocated for the priestly class

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In Gita, Sri Krishna says: I am time the destroyer, Can you please explain this? Sometime back there was an untimely death in the family and the person had lived a miserable life as in alcoholic thus failed in relationships and then when he died suddenly I thought may be this is Divine compassion which gave him a fresh start … is this right in thinking?

In the eleventh chapter of Srimadbhagawat Gita, Sri Krishna grants to Arjuna as a special Grace the grand vision of His Viswaroopa. Then the great

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I come from a religious family and I grew up listening to religious books and seeing religious rituals. I could not relate to it and rebelled against it to find my own but after coming to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, I see there is some truth in both paths. However, one question comes to me based on what I heard while listening to Puranas in childhood. Its said that there are Yugas which come one after the other and this cycle keeps going on. If current one is Kali Yuga, does Supramental manifestation mean return of Satyayuga? Also, we started from Satyuga, then Treta, then Dwapar and then Kali Yuga, where were humans more evolved? And if I relate the human history and anthropology (based on book ‘Sapiens’,) we have evolved from Chimps and are on an upward evolutionary path. Then I am not able to understand the presence of Satyuga, Treta and Dwapar on the timeline where humans seems more evolved. I am not able to put it all in perspective?

The concept of the four yugas implies that there have been a number of cycles (six to be precise) through which creation and perhaps humanity

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