Yes, socialization is almost like a disease that is difficult to get out of the system once it settles as a default program of life. I understand the milieu wherein it is difficult to completely avoid though one can try to minimize it. I suppose the best thing is to practice inner equanimity and keep remembering Her inwardly. Here is a letter of Sri Aurobindo on the subject that I have found very useful for myself.
‘When one is living in the world, one cannot do as in an Asram— one has to mix with others and keep up outwardly at least ordinary relations with others. The important thing is to keep the inner consciousness open to the Divine and grow in it. As one does that, more or less rapidly according to the inner intensity of the sadhana, the attitude towards others will change. All will be seen more and more in the Divine and the feeling, action, etc. will more and more be determined, not by the old external reactions, but by the growing consciousness within you.’
Alok Da