“Follow your passion” some people say. I am stuck a little. I have a broad direction in which I want my life to develop — in service of the nation. At the same time, the scope of different careers is so wide that I don’t know what is best for me! A part of me wants to study something very practical which will enable me to realise this vision even if I don’t like the subject in and of itself (for example, studying finance). Another part of me wants me to do something that I would intrinsically enjoy studying (for example, music or history). However, I doubt whether choosing this path will enable me to develop the skills or knowledge that will be of much use when it comes to making impactful change in society. Can you suggest how I can develop clarity on this? I definitely agree with people who say that you can only succeed in and be happy doing something that you feel passionate about. But isn’t this idea slightly overrated? Shouldn’t one be able to enjoy and succeed in whatever one does, no matter what it is? Even if it’s not something one enjoyed doing as a child or doesn’t have a natural predisposition towards😠?

We should first differentiate between what we are naturally drawn towards by our innate temperament and predilection. It is more of an inborn inclination whose indications are an inborn capacity and enthusiasm. Passion is a poor indicator, it comes and goes like fashion. There are things that catch our interest and attention for sometime and then fade away. This is because as we grow we come in contact with different parts of our nature. At the same time before we develop a clear and conscious individuality we are susceptible to be swayed by the opinions of others and the trends around us. One has to study one’s nature carefully to discover the inherent temperament and capacities, develop them and then put them at the service of the highest ideal we can conceive of, be it service of the nation, an ideal, or humanity or the Divine. 

Success is another thing. It is not determined by one’s passion or enthusiasm alone but by many other factors that are not in an individual’s hands. For example Art films or classical music or certain sports may not lead to apparent success because the world may not yet value them. So first one must define success for oneself. If success is based on the opinion of others, then it is a recognition and approval we are  seeking, if it is about the money we can earn then it is not success but comfort and pleasure we are seeking. If it is name and fame then it is ambition. True success is to fulfil that for which one is made. It does not depend upon any outer thing. Thus, for example, the success of a mango seed is to grow into a mango tree and bear sweet fruits. Naturally this brings appreciation for the tree but the tree itself does not blossom for this purpose. If it tried to do that then it may start wishing that it blooms into a pomegranate tree or into a Rose flower and thereby lose its one chance of fulfilling and actualising itself. 

As to taking pleasure in all one does, yes of course that is a very good attitude and very helpful in one’s life. 


Alok Da

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