I am officially separated from my partner, but a part of me is struggling to let them go. Some of it stems from jealousy, the thought that they might find someone better. While I genuinely want them to be happy, there’s still a part of me holding on. How can I make peace with the idea that they may eventually find someone else and love that person 😪?

Let them find whoever they are destined to find but an abiding happiness through objects of desire is as rare, if not impossible in the present state of human consciousness as finding true love. Millions have tried it and failed. Millions will perhaps continue to try it and fail yet again. Man and the world are too limited and imperfect on all counts while the soul of man an eternal seeker of Perfection to be ever satisfied and rest content with transient perishable goods. Temporarily yes, but only so long as the soul is asleep but that is even worse since it means being content with our fallen state and animal nature. 

So, understanding this fundamental truth about life, take all this as a Grace, an opportunity to discover life fresh and the meaning of your existence, the goal and purpose of your life. What has happened, has happened. Now that you are free as many of the energies involved in the relationship are released, turn them in pursuit of higher, truer, more meaningful, diviner things rather than leaving yourself vulnerable and at the mercy of someone else. Move ahead towards the future rather than holding on to the past.


Alok Da

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