Referring to surrender in yoga, Mother says “When the central being has made its surrender, the chief difficulty has disappeared.” (CWM 3:7)
The central being itself has three types of relation with the Divine in the Supermind corresponding to its three layer before it enters the evolutionary journey eventually developing as the psychic being.
In the highest sphere it is inseparable from the One. In the next layer it begins to be differentiated and finally in the third layer closest to the Overmind it is already experiencing apparent distinction. The moment this distinction comes into play it is no more either oneness or even the sense of Unity. The moment any element begins to feel a certain degree of independence including the great gods (who are also connected with the Divine) that element has to consciously surrender.
Besides the central being though itself does descend into the play, yet it is always connected with the earthly play through the psychic being which is its own ray struggling upon earth. It is like a person sitting with God but his attention is on the play especially on his favourite player whom it is supposed to help. God is connected with the whole play and knows the result. It is the image of Arjuna and Krishna together and yet Arjuna must yet surrender consciously for the full Divine Intervention.
Alok Da