Yes both Mind and Life manifested in similar way, that is to say, through a struggle and resistance. There is a pressure from above from the corresponding plane to release the powers of that plane from within Matter. The saying that within the body (pind) there is the whole universe (brahmand). This is the importance of Matter and earthly bodies that they are the nodus of an evolutionary process. Below Matter are the worlds of rakshasas and other hostile beings, the subconscient or the patal loka. They resist this emergence because once man crosses the mental limits he will enter the world of the gods. Then the earth will pass away from their hands. It is this struggle that is depicted in all the phases of evolution in the parable of Dashavataras wherein Lord Vishnu descends in a form bringing the powers of that plane while the Asura resists. So this is the inner side of the story of evolution of which Science reveals the outer side.
Alok Da