As I concentrated sitting at The Samadhi, the hotness intensified within seconds, to the extent that I was worried someone looking at me will see that my face is red and I need help of some sort. There was no perspiration but just hotness in my body and face. Then I felt like my limbs went still and soon after it felt as if my body was dissolving in the atmosphere, or maybe the atmosphere was consuming me. I am still not sure. I wanted to move and check everything was ok, but I couldn’t move. I just kept going on with the meditation. I kept telling myself ‘this is a safe place, nothing will happen just stay calm’. Everything dissolved eventually but only my head and forehead, it was very much concretely still there and it felt heavy than ever. Soon the bell rang, I didn’t want to come out of the meditation, and within seconds when I did realise this was it- time was up, it took me a while to feel like I was getting out of the meditation.
The only difference I could see was that the importance I attached to my birthday was different. The desire for surprises, gifts, and spending the day in a certain way diminished. I no longer feel that it is a special day. I do however feel the urge to meditate for sure on that day.
Can you please explain what happened? And if this feeling of dissolving of different body parts have any meaning or significance?
The experience you describe is an authentic spiritual experience wherein every part of the body seems dissolved and only the head remains. It is so because the consciousness withdraws from all the rest of the parts and is taken up or absorbed by the head since the seat of consciousness is the brain. One more step and it would go out into higher realms and eventually into samadhi or trance of self-absorption.
The excess heat is due to the sudden intensifying of the psychic fire which especially happens on birthdays. It is a gift of Her Grace.
May you go deeper and deeper into the concentration and be one with your soul.
Alok Da