What is the meaning of this word Mahaprayaan? And can we use this word for The Mother?

Actually all these words Mahaprayana, Mahasamadhi, withdrawl are so inadequate. They have a certain meaning that does not apply to the event. Besides it reinforces in the mind two wrong ideas. First that She is no more here. Second that what the senses report and the mind suggests seems true.

Words always fall short….

Yet if we must use, I personally prefer a word that came to me quite intuitively while reflecting on the mystery of the event,

The great leap……

Actually the Mother took a great leap from the old body to the New Body that She had prepared and which She describes in 1972.

‘March 24, 1972
For the first time, early this morning, I saw myself: my body. I don’t know whether it’s the supramental body or… (what shall I say?) a transitional body, but I had a completely new body, in the sense that it was sexless: it was neither woman nor man.

It was very white. But that could be because I have white skin, I don’t know.

It was very slender (gesture). Really lovely, a truly harmonious form.

That’s the first time.

I hadn’t the least idea, the faintest notion what it would look like, nothing, and I saw—I WAS like that, I had become like that.’

Yet She continued for sometime switching between the old and the new body out of love for Her children. She describes that the only link with the old body was of pain. Its purpose was to carry as many elements of creation as possible into the New Creation.

This assured, She stepped into the New Body that quite a few experience. But it is not yet visible to our mortal eyes because of their limitation. It will take humanity a little time to tune our eyes and body to this New Body that acts in very different ways than our own. That of course is a different subject.

She took the leap. We are now slowly crossing over holding or rather held by Her.

may add that all thesw outer ignorant accounts of what happened on that day or photographs of Her ‘last darshan’ is not a very pleasant thing to do and I am certain this is not what She would want of us with regard to observing this day. She said so many times after the experience of 13th April 1962 that ‘I am no more in this body’, ‘I have crossed over to the other side’, that ‘it (referring to the Work) is done’, ‘the body is outside me’. She describes in great detail the process and stages of the transformation. That should be our main focus. All Her Help, Her Love, Her Grace, Her Presence is there for all who aspire for the New Creation. All the rest is incidental.


Alok Da

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