India and the world stands today at civilisational crossroads. At this juncture, and more and more so in times to come, we need to understand that the old formulas of the past especially its arithmetic of numbers is not going to work. We may say that isn’t the whole problem of election boils down to numbers? This is how it seems on the face of it. But the greatest of works, works that not only endure the rub of change but lay the foundations of the future are those that are done in a most uncalculating manner. Calculations swerve us from the straight path and endlessly complicate the journey. What is meant by this is very simply to act without fear or favour, to do what should be done, with courage and confidence in God or, since the term creates confusion, then at least faith in dharma, dharmo rakshati rakshitah. Most of all we need to understand that the evolution of man does not stop with religion and ideologies. They are a base at best, a prison at worst.
If you look closely we shall see where did we err and still continue to err. Building the Ram temple is no doubt a work of Dharma. It is besides the demand of justice. But to turn it into a mega ambitious project, even at the expense of the people who live there, to indulge in appeasement by alloting a big land within Ayodhya to build a grand mosque by way of appeasement, eyeing on the Sri Aurobindo Relics centre and even entertaining thoughts of removing the Relics, are serious errors. It allows the forces of falsehood to have a free play on the heart and mind of people. The politicians need a good dose of understanding the occult and spiritual dimensions and their working rather than stay stuck in the world of religion. The yuga dharma demands it. Whoever and whichever individual understands this difference, feels the necessity of going beyond the dichotomy of religious and secular, reason and faith will be helped and supported by the Time Spirit.
On the other hand whichever individual or group continues to cling to the old world ways is bound to be hit by the tremendous forces at work. Of course we may get temporary success by fooling people but not for long and certainly not forever. It is true that there are plenty of selfish people all around including India who vote for caste, and other selfish interests. Let them do that. But on the other side should be one example of someone who is unaffected by these things and raises the ideal high and by doing so compelling others to turn their gaze upwards. This is what happened in 2014. But what we now is that slowly these very same calculations setting in, an effort to please and appease communities, – Moslems and Jats and Sikhs and Dalits and Christians and this and that. By doing this we are actually justifying and further strengthening the very tendencies we stand up against. Why do we do this? Because of the fear of losing elections and the seats of power. We believe that we can effectuate a change only if we are in power. But when we get there we are possessed by the same forces of falsehood. This was another error, dissociating from the ideological moorings. That leaves the party rudderless. The Sangh, for all its limitations in their understanding of Sanatana Dharma are at least not lusting after power. The saffron stands for sacrifice, the sacrifice of lust and ego and ambition, not for the sake of coming to power but for the greater good of the world. Right now, except for a few, fortunately the honourable PM, and of course the present CM of Up who despite the temporary setback has a glorious future, and perhaps a few here and there, there is a general lack of clarity about the core of dharma which should be the beacon light guiding our actions. It is not enough to pay lip service to certain high ideals. It is important to act aligned with these great ideals for which India once stood. So no appeasement since falsehood does not change by feeding it. It does not feel grateful but bites the hand that feeds. It only grows stronger and takes Truth for granted and a weakness.
What is needed most therefore is Strength. While we have dealt strongly with outside forces, our response in dealing with the forces of division within have been far from satisfactory except perhaps the naxals and the kashmiri terrorists to some extent. But much more needs to be done which I presume will be done this time despite the limitations. The Muslim problem needs a separate write up so I am holding it back for now. Let us hope that we do not allow another Shahin bagh, Farmer protest, Amritpal, Manipur and Sandeskhali even happen. One can’t let monsters grow and then try to contain them. Especially Bengal is on the brink and we should not wait for a change of government which may not be easy in the present scenario.
Yes the constitution needs to change and instead of shying away one should rather mention with clarity what needs a change. Perhaps it is time to rewrite the constitution, a provision accepted as part of democracy. We whisper about it but shy away from action due to numbers. This hypocrisy must go. This government has been known for certain bold decisions especially in foreign affairs. Let it take bold decisions within without fear of numbers.
Anyways these things will happen, the change is bound to come. If one group or man is not ready the Zeitgeist would place another even stronger and better. We must have full faith in the great truth of Satyameva jayate, it is truth that wins and not falsehood. The apparent triumph of falsehood is only temporary, a passing breeze while the world awaits the thunder of God. These results and swings should not cloud our vision. For us only one thing should matter, the triumph of the Divine Mother within us, in India and in the world. First swaraj, self mastery, then the rest will be added. And it will come. So with hearts full of hope in the future and faith in the Grace we should prepare for the Hour of God and the inevitable Victory of the Divine Will in and through everything. With this attitude and aspiration even apparent failures will become stepping stones and apparent successes means to prepare for the greatest of all successes, the triumph of the Divine in man.
Victory to the Divine Mother.
Alok Da