What is true freedom ? Can you explain it’s difference from the western concept of doing whatever you want in the name of freedom😏. Example parents not taking care of their children and the same children not taking care of them, people breaking marriages or not committing in the name of freedom, children getting confused about their gender which is a biological aspect in the name of freedom, people abusing their self with alcohol and drugs in the name of freedom. Is this really freedom? 

Freedom essentially means the freedom to make choices. However this does not mean that there will be no consequences of our choice. Each and every choice brings its own inner consequences (law of karma) as well as outer (human law which curbs unbridled freedom).

This much is common to both Western and Eastern culture.  In the Western culture there is no faith in the law of karma or inner evolution and progress. Due to dehatmbodh (identifying the body as the self) the only regulation to freedom is the health and well being of your body and other’s body. But apart from this man is left free to do as he likes so long as he does not create problems with the freedom of others. Thus, for example,  alcohol,  drugs, pornography, free and multiple sexual relationships,  hurting other’s feelings to satisfy yours, seeking pleasure as a way of life, swacchandata, life driven by desires, lying, hypocrisy, double standards, abusiveness and hate mongering through freedom of speech,  anger, fear, jealousy, ambition are mostly considered as normal and have a much greater acceptance. The results are obvious as we can see the degeneration setting in the youth all over, especially Europe and America.  If they don’t change the ways, the decline and degeneration over the next few generations is inevitable. 

In India the standpoint is internal and freedom means freedom of the soul from ignorance because without it our choices itself will never really be free! Freedom is to be regulated by inner ideals of ethics and inner standards with regard to our motives and expressions. It is not so much an external rule but an inner law which the Indian has always been aware of. It is called Dharma whose focus is not only the bodily good but also the good of the mind and the soul. It prefers sacrifice and inner renunciation over instant gratification,  abiding happiness over instant pleasure. It values forgiveness, calm, truthfulness, faith, Godward aspiration, askesis, genuineness over their opposites. The focus is internal progress and long term stability which is evidenced by the sheer fact of the survival and revival of Sanatana Dharma against heavy odds. 

Unfortunately the disease of depravity of thought and feelings, instant pleasure seeking driven by advertisement, utilitarianism and greed for money has gripped the Indian mind as well.  This is no doubt due to the contamination and the polluting influence of the West but we are beginning to see its effects here too. The way forward is an awakening of the deeply embedded values of Sanatana Dharma, to stop imitating the West and, proper education and transmission of values through family, society and school.  Beyond it is ways of Nature to teach us which are not always pleasant and sometimes can be very harsh and painful as well. That is of course the natural consequence of a life driven by pleasure and egoistic personal gratification. 


Alok Da

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