Why all these creations happened? Is there any specific rule for everything. Is this Universe🌌 follow only a certain rule. Who created death? Why one should die? Can scientists discover immortality? Please Da, explain me these things kindly.

Creation is an extension of the Creator. Its only logic is to express what lies within the heart of the Creator. We may take it as an author composing an epic poem. While the author would remain the same even if he did not express anything. Yet by expressing he brings out something that is hidden in him, just as Valmiki and Vyasa bring out Ramayana and the Mahabharata. Its purpose is multiplying the delight of existence through the manifold characters and themes and situations in the vast cosmic play. Of course not all seems beautiful in the play but that is because we see a small little portion here and there and also because the grand cosmic poem is not yet finished. When the play is fully written, at least in a certain sense and when we can comprehend it in its totality then it brings delight and wisdom. Until then we react to the play with pleasure and pain even as we are part of the plot and one of the characters. 

Now once the play starts then naturally each things must play out its role. as long as we play out the role in a certain way and accept it we have to go by the rules of the game. But we can draw back from the play, become one with the Creator and thereby discover the one true freedom possible to us, – the Freedom of the Creator Himself. Until then everything in life has a certain dharma. However this rule has little to do with the ignorant social and religious rules that man adds. 

Death is an incident in the vast plot, needed for the fullness and perfection of the play at a certain stage of evolution. Its necessity being over it will pass away from existence. Of course Death and Immortality is a vast subject and I will write more on this later. However for the moment, I can best attach my book on this issue. You may refer to some relevant chapters.


alok da    

I’m very thankful to you.But Dada I’m very sorry, I couldn’t understand the words in this book. Actually I’m poor in English. Please dada show me the way how to read this book. I eagerly want to read it and want to realize the actual truth. Please dada help me. 

Sure. In that case we can take up the question of death over email. Just as the dream world is different from our waking one so too we, that is our soul, our true self, leaves this earthly body formed by matter and enters into other states of consciousness, other worlds where it experiences life very differently. But human beings upon earth being ignorant of all this think that the person dies with the body’s death. But the real person has simply gone into a restful sleep in the Divine world from where it will return after assimilating the essential experiences of this life. It returns again and again as a child returns back to the same school though in a different class each year. So too we keep returning to this school called world until we grow into the full stature of our soul and know who we are and why we are here. After that if we come back it is to share our knowledge and help other beings. This takes many lives since we need a lot of experiences to grow and all that cannot be had in one life.


alok da

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