In this new apartment the direction of my bed is towards east, but I am still having difficulty in getting proper restorative sleep. Most of time sleep is disturbed & at times I wake up with a headache. In the earlier apartment the direction of the bed was towards south; I didn’t face such issues. Of course, repeating Maa’s name is my only refuge when sleep eludes me.
Nothing is trivial and everything has its rightful place in the universe. Vastu is one such Science which has studied certain patterns that arise due to change of direction. The apparent cause is the play of the five elements that arrange themselves in certain ways. However when we start making any one factor as if it is the most important or even of exclusive importance then we give it a much larger place than needed and by doing so push away other factors in the background thereby creating another imbalance. The truth however is that there are several factors that operate in an interconnected chain of cause and effect. One cannot alter one link without disturbing the others. Vastu, horoscopes etc are at best intermediary links and often minor ones. The immediate cause of things has to be seen in our own attitudes, psychological movements, life style and the habits of the physical body. The ultimate cause can be traced back to the Divine. Hence instead of trying to manage the intermediary minor links one should look for the immediate causes within oneself and instead of trying to manipulate intermediary links which is likely to create other disturbances one should simply turn to the Highest, the Divine Mother who is the One Power beyond all.
More important than the vastu it is likely that the house has certain formations inhabiting it. But the best way to dissolve them is faith and prayers and turning to Her more and more.
Let Her Peace and Light and Love invade every corner of the new house. Invoke Her Name and read Savitri and play Savitri music all the time and all will be well.
Alok Da