Will the Superman have a body made of flesh and blood, or will it consist of only a subtle, ethereal form? What will be the constituents of his Supramental body as explained by the Mother and Sri Aurobindo? Kindly provide references to where they have discussed this concept🤨.

There is a difference between the body of the Superman and the Supramental body. The Superman is an intermediary between the human and the supramental being. The body of the Superman will be formed through the normal human process of sexual union. However it would have undergone a sufficient degree of inner transformation so as to be free from selfishness and be governed by intuition and a vast benevolent consciousness.  It will have less of the crude, gross animal tendencies, and certain new possibilities such as healing, new forms of expression, ability to delay the natural degeneration, prolonging life, leaving the body at will,  etc will be there. 
The Superman will find the way to transmute the human body into the supramental by releasing the light within.  When a certain point is reached, the developed psychic beings whose inner transformation has reached a certain point of development will enter into these bodies prepared and mentored by the Superman consciousness and undergo the needed transformation into the supramental body. Its characteristics will be luminosity, plasticity, spontaneous immunity and complete freedom from disease and death.


Alok Da

Am I correct in my understanding that the Superman will prepare a new body and it is not his own body. Through his will power, he will prepare and mentor it. Only the developed psychic beings  will be able to possess the supramental body. If the Superman who had prepared the body, if he himself possessed a sufficiently developed psychic being, he would also be able to enter the new body prepared by himself. However, while doing this, he may have to leave his own body.

Now, will the supramental body have flesh and blood or will it be a subtle body which is not tangible? Will it grow like a human body? If it grows, it will have ‘death’. So, I think there will be no growth. During discussion in a “Sri Aurobindo Study Circle’, we had these doubts. Kindly clarify.

Dear Girish, 
It will not be a body of flesh and blood nor a typical subtle matter. It will be a body so much modified by the supramental force as to become luminous, possibly out of some radioactive or ionosed matter. Blood will be replaced by a dynamic pulsation of Energy through the system. It will be tangible but our senses need to evolve as well to a point as to be able to make contact with the supramental body. It won’t age but will be plastic and change form at will.  


Alok Da

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