Your talk ” Transformation: Process and Resistance”, wherein you have mentioned…ceiling limit, that ceiling limit is decided by prototype of form in occult world,…blue print 🗺comes from the over mind. Could you make more clear.

Please give reference would be appreciated. Captive of Her Love

Yes the ceiling limit is for each species. It is like a magic circle or a fence of ignorance drawn around each type. It’s purpose is to maintain existing order in Creation. For man the ceiling is very high because his life is governed by the mind. And the mind itself stretches towards higher and vaster domains beyond our present physical and rational mind. Man’s own evolution is still going on as there is so much more to evolve even mentally. Yet there is a point beyond which he is unable to cross except rarely by a rare Herculean effort. But that is an individual achievement. As a species his limits are fixed by the plane from where he has descended. Beyond his natural limits is the prototype of the New Creation. Here is a passage describing this.

‘The ascending curve went beyond that, into those regions Théon had given that barbarous name of “pathetism.” When one went beyond and entered those regions, then there was… it was the Supreme outside the creation, beyond the creation. That’s where I saw the representative form of the new creation (and that was before I ever heard anything about Sri Aurobindo and the Supermind), that’s where I saw the form that must succeed the human form, like the symbolic representation of the new creation. That was two or three years before I heard of Sri Aurobindo and met him. So when he told me about the supramental creation, I said to him (laughing), “But of course, I know, I saw it up there!”
No one had told me anything. It’s only when I went to Tlemcen that Madame Théon told me what it was. She knew how to go through all the states of being, from one to the next, and on to the next… leaving the body corresponding to each state of being in its region and moving beyond. So then, quite spontaneously and naturally, I learned to do it. And I did it there, that’s how I saw this prototype, all the way up, all the way up.’

‘Well, one time I was there (Theon used to warn against going beyond this domain, because he said you wouldn’t come back), but there I was, wanting to pass over to the other side, when—in a quite unexpected and astounding way—I found myself in the presence of the ‘principle,’ a principle of the human form. It didn’t resemble man as we are used to seeing him, but it was an upright form, standing just on the border between the world of forms and the Formless, like a kind of standard. At that time nobody had ever spoken to me about it and Madame Theon had never seen it—no one had ever seen or said anything. But I felt I was on the verge of discovering a secret.’

‘Afterwards, when I met Sri Aurobindo and talked to him about it, he told me, ‘It is surely the prototype of the supramental form.’ I saw it several times again, later on, and this proved to be true.

But naturally, you understand, once the border has been crossed, there is no more ‘ascent’ and ‘descent’; you have the feeling of rising up only at the very start, while leaving the terrestrial consciousness and emerging into the higher mind. But once you have gone beyond that, there’s no notion of rising; there’s a sense, instead, of a sort of inner transformation.

And from there I would redescend, re-entering my bodies one after another—there is a real feeling of re-entry; it actually produces friction.

When one is on that highest height, the body is in a cataleptic state.

I think I made this experiment in 1904, so when I arrived here it was all a work accomplished and a well-known domain; and when the question of finding the Supermind came up, I had only to resume an experience I was used to—I had learned to repeat it at will, through successive exteriorizations. It was a voluntary process. ‘

It is mentioned in the Synthesis of Yoga as well.

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