That Hitler wanted to invade India is mentioned in a well researched book titled Hitler’s God by George Vreikheim. Of course he may not have said so openly but it seems that he would mutter this wish to invade India during his attack of seizures. Logically too it seems quite likely. His interest in occult powers, his use or rather misuse of a distorted Swastik symbol, his use or rather misuse of the word Arya signifying a superior race of which he claimed to be a part, his secret alliance with Subhash Chandra Bose to throw the British out of India (for him to occupy!) are all clear pointers in this direction. Sri Aurobindo of course knew this and warned against this danger even as he cautioned against the refusal of the Cripps proposal as well as danger to India from Red China through Tibet. Unfortunately all his three yogic predictions proved right though his words and foresight were rejected by the political lot at that time leading to chaos and division.
Anyways coming back to people, the world has never heeded the Divine nor does it have the eyes to look deeper, look carefully, see the early hints and hence they fail to document the most important deeper forces at work. Hitler’s seizures were literally seances with the Asuric forces suggesting his course of action. No wonder he would often fix 15th August for major offensives. As we know it was Sri Aurobindo’s birthday as India had not yet gained independence. May be all this will be known to larger sections of humanity but for now man is too busy with his surface material existence to take note of subtler forces at play.
Alok Da