I think this must be possibly because she is a single child, and she doesn’t have many cousins at her age(unlike us when we grew up) and we don’t have guests or relatives coming home so she hasn’t seen us sharing things with families, so developed this tendency. Because of this she has a very hard time making friends. I have told her that you have to give things and not always keep getting if you want friends, or told her stories of my childhood, she understands but couldn’t put into practice. How to make her overcome this difficulty Alok da?
Single child may not be the reason. Rather it is quite unlikely. Children often pick up number of behaviours that they unconsciously notice in significant elders around them. They are best taught by example rather than words. For example at home, everyone should eat together after praying and offering the meals. She should see the family members serving each other. Then a good base is laid for getting rid of the tendency.Â
Alok Da