Superman is the intermediary link between Man and the Supramental being. Man is a mental being driven by the rational analytical mind at its highest. The seers and sages sometimes climb to the intuitive mind and very few perhaps have a glimpse of the Overmind and rarest of rare receive hints of the Supramental Divine through the veil that divides the lower and the higher hemisphere of One existence.
The gap between the mind as it stands today in the course of evolution and the Supermind is very big. Hence a number of intermediary steps will be needed just as we see between the highest Ape and the present day Mental Man. One such step is the creation of a Mind of Light. It means that humanity will be moved more and more by the Mind of Light rather than the Mind of Ignorance. The Mind of Light is an evolutionary emergence formed by the Supermind in the course of its working upon the human mind.
The nest step will be the Superman. In fact the Superman is already here. The Mother spoke of the descent of the Superman Consciousness on 01st January 1969. The Superman is the inner consciousness of man transformed by the Supramental Consciousness making him a wide benevolent being that acts like a mentor to the body. It’s nature is a benevolent compassion and luminous wisdom with a wide inner consciousness that would embrace all things and beings and hence cannot be limited to sectarianism or any limited religious theology, dogma and ideology. It is the Superman that will lead man and find the way towards the transformation of the body. In other words the Superman is an inwardly transformed consciousness but in the same human body. Its task is to be the bridge for the further physical transformation. This process may take a few centuries.
The supramental being is a completely transformed consciousness in a new transformed body. It will be the next evolutionary creature who will lead a divine life in a divine body and thereby transform earthly life completely.
Alok Da