Its a philosophical question but I often why did the creator create this world? Why did the creator become inconscient, became nature and now following the path of evolving towards itself? Is it for release of Ananda? As a life experience, we feel joyous when we progress. Similarly when the inconscient is growing towards becoming fully conscious, Ananda is released. Is that so?

Asked by 38 year old woman

These are different ways of saying the same thing.  By entering a state of complete oblivion and then releasing it gradually through a complex evolutionary process, step by step, means the emergence of extreme diversity thereby giving birth to different varieties of Ananda. So the Ananda of Oneness becomes a manifold Ananda. Apart from this the joy of taking the extreme challenge, attaining victory against near impossible conditions, the joy of walking on the edges of creation,  the Joy of fighting against every odd, the Joy of rising after every fall and returning after every failure, the Joy of daring the daring the impossible,  the Joy of a wounded narrow escape, the Joy of heeding to the Divine Call amidst the thousand voices and noises of the world,  the Joy of sacrifice and renouncing all for walking alone in pursuit of the Alone, the Joy of aspiration and the joy of union, all these and many more forms of creative Ananda are the gains of this lapse into the Inconscience through which the One Infinite multiplies endlessly in a rapture’s endless sum or to put it in the words of Savitri,  ‘the joy of a myriad myriads who are one.’


Alok Da

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