Asked by 20 year old Man
Physical transformation is the last crown, the final fulfilment of the Yoga of transformation which is inevitable in the course of time. Physical transformation can proceed upto a certain point individually but its completeness will be possible only when a certain number of people are ready. This may take a few hundred years.
Meanwhile there are many things that must happen on the way, such as emergence of the secret psychic being and transforming nature in a way so as to prepare it for the ascent and expansion of consciousness. A further spiritual transformation will be needed before one can speak of the physical transformation meaningfully.
Few things that will happen on the way are capacity to heal illnesses from within with no or minimum medication, renewal of energy and staying youthful for long years, the ability to prolong life, choosing the time of death, dropping off of certain parts meant for lower impulses and instincts, reduction or change of food and sleeping habits etc. Later the more visible outer changes will appear in the final stages such as luminosity, plasticity, spontaneous immunity against all kinds of attacks of illness, and eventually conquest over death.
Alok Da