No doubt India is under attack not only by various forces from outside but even more by forces from within that are tearing it apart by exploiting various fault lines and fake narratives. The forces of division and falsehood are using everything in their hands to abort the New India story.
But be rest assured that nothing will succeed in preventing the rise of India because India is needed for the world to survive and progress towards the Age of Truth. A ray of Light is enough to scatter much darkness, a drop of Truth can dissolve much falsehood. We have to become these rays and drops. By a sincere aspiration, by loving the Divine Mother and Mother India with all our hearts, by praying for India, by invoking the Mother as Shakti, by sincerely taking the path of spiritual evolution, the handful will put a pressure upon and compel all that is interconnected with us, all that is within the sphere of our immediate influence, and through each other upon the country and the earth to move towards the future. But we should not allow the adverse asuric Maya to deceive and depress us. As children of Truth we should always have faith that whatever may be the appearances, Truth will have the final victory for none can eventually stand in opposition of the Truth forever.
Alok Da