Sometimes I get these sexual impulses and feel the need to indulge, no matter what I do I get caught with these suggestions and then I end up indulging into these sensations and vibrations, I don’t feel at ease till I have indulged in and once done I regret it. Can you please guide🙏

You will find couple of talks on this subject in detail on In brief, one of the simplest ways towards mastery of the sexual impulse is to stay very busy with work, studies, physical exercises or sports as well as creative hobbies. Sexual impulses have a proclivity to rise during idle moments when tamas takes over and a state of boredom has set in. They are more active during night and are aroused through indulgence in activities that excite the lower vital including certain films, parties, music that tittilates etc. It is important to know one’s vulnerabilities and exercise abundant precaution such as to avoid meeting alone in isolated places or closed rooms with people (man or woman) whose physical presence brings out this impulse. This is not to say that a man and woman cannot meet alone or be as friends but one must be clear as to the limits and boundaries which each one must draw for oneself.

However all these outer measures need to be sopplemented by the regular exercise of the inner will especially in a yoga where tyaga is emphasised rather than sannyasa. Even if the will fails several times, yet each delay, each straining of the will adds to its growing strength.  Even if one fails, one should not give in easily to the enemy. Along with it, one should be careful of not giving justifications of one’s failure or fall. The causes are always within and must be rectified within in the attitudes and the subtle justifications that the mind provides. Finally where human effort fails, the Divine Grace takes over. One should keep offering the movement and the impulse to the Divine Mother with a persistent prayer and aspiration for the change.

It is however important to note that guilt, depression etc are not the right response. Instead of that one should look for the gaps, try to seal them again and again and, keep growing in peace, aspiration and strength until one day the whole thing shakes off as a dry leaf. 


Alok Da

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