A premature effort to completely master the sexual impulse at a rather young age often leads to an unnecessarily frustrating struggle and conflict. Besides the energy that goes into suppression is locked and not accessible for progress either. Therefore the better way is to practice samyama, regulate rather than stop it altogether. Forced outer suppression while the mind is yet in a loose state leads to various forms of upsetting. One has to be very patient with handling these forces of nature rooted deep in the body for millenniums. Dhairya, patience is needed. Hence the first focus should be on cultivating peace, quietening the mind, refining and purifying it through swadhyaya and Satsang, growing in Godward aspiration, remembrance of the Divine, active surrender, true devotion, niskama karma, equanimity etc. For the rest stay busy, cultivate interest in music and Poetry and do lot of physical exercises. Do not try to take the bull by the horn until the inner being has grown strong enough.
Alok Da