As Sri Aurobindo’s yoga is collective yoga , How we can balance in our work as there are so many opinions of different people🤔?

Collective Yoga does not mean a democratic decision by taking everybody’s opinion. It means directing our collective efforts towards the realisation of the Divine Life upon earth. It implies, first of all engaging in personal sadhana to realise the Divine within and collaborate with the Mother’s Will fully in the process of transformation. Secondly, to the extent one has realised it, to facilitate the process in others as a catalyst, as an example, as an influence, by winning one’s own little victories as a representative humanity, etc. 

As to decisions, it is best to replace personal opinions with the guidance given by the Mother and Sri Aurobindo in similar situations or else to sit quietly and invoke Her Presence and Her Will, open to Her and feel the inspiration. As to practical considerations, it is best that each gives their input and then leaves the final decision making to the person who has been given the specific responsibility. 


Alok Da

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