Da as we know this is the very critical and crucial time for all human beings on earth. The pandemic has already grasped all over the World. We can consider it as the instructions of the Divine action to separate the falsehood from truth. This alarming situation on the earth instructs everyone to cling to the truth. It is the action of supramental force. But Dada is it the only way to give a lesson to the world. The Mother once eradicated the Devil behind Spanish flu. But again this corona pandemic arrived. As we know from Ramayana and Mahabharata and many other stories the victory of the good will happens always and the Asuras are killed. But still then they are alive. The bad will has been now multiplied. What is the permanent solution of this crisis? What should we do now😪? Please da kindly reply it .

The Asuras cannot be killed for good since they hide themselves in the human heart and we help them do so. Therefore if the Divine were to actually destroy them all then it would mean a large scale destruction of humanity. Hence the Divine uses another method. He gives a long, real long rope for us to change. This is what seems to be going on since last couple of decades. When the change will reach a tipping point then suddenly a par of mankind will collapse and those who have accepted to change and are moving on the path will be lifted up as suddenly and when all the crash is over then out of the ruins a new world will arise. However i do not think this is that moment nor do I see it as anything near, not i our present lifetime. It is still the long rope being extended for us to change. but instead of embracing change we respond with fear making things worse. Anyways for us, for all those who believe in the truth of the Spirit and the Divine Grace there is nothing, absolutely nothing to fear. they will be carried through this and everything else safely. Meanwhile use this opportunity to conquer the mind since force confinement does make it restless even when it is seemingly for the good of the person. so this is an excellent opportunity to study and understand how the mind works and to get rid of some of the things that disturb it, fear, for example, by offering it to Her Grace.


Alok Da

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