…..Shakti in Tantra / Parvati in Puranas / Divine Mother – the sum total of all the energy in the universeThrough various modes of worship & sadhanas given in our Shastras, we invoke these energies to be present in our existence and inspire & protect us in living a beautiful and blissful life.These energies often respond to our prayers & worship if done with pure heart and complete faith. They bring their corresponding powers into our life by activating their specific centers in our physical existence.
Energy is one way to look at the gods and goddesses. It is more of a modern way because the analytical mind finds it difficult to believe that there could be any creation or forms other than the material. But if we look closely this is a fallacious reasoning because it assumes that our senses can record everything. Far from it, as we have begun to recognise now.
Everything is energy but everything is also form and being and existence and force of consciousness. By its very nature, an energy that is conscious and responds to our prayers has to be also a being. Whether this being has exactly the form depicted in traditional mystic lore or a more plastic form that, at least partially depends upon our faith and imagination can be a subject of discussion. But one cannot do away with the form of gods simply by turning them into some sort of Energy-hotspots.
Alok Da