In any quarrel both sides are wrong. But since a riot involves loss of life and property, it becomes a serious problem of law and order with one side initiating and perpetuating the attacks while the other often retaliating in defence or to settle the demand of justice. This happens especially when people don’t have enough faith in the existing system as far as rendering justice is considered. Hence, instead of taking due course of law, they try to mete out instant justice. Therefore while in a civil society it is not considered the proper way, yet it is generally felt that the group that started the attack is the real perpetrator of the riot. The other group, fighting back, in just defence, is generally not considered guilty until it enters into a rage full of hatred and vengeance.
As to the Hindu Moslem riots, it is very easy to see that all the riots till today take place only in places where the Moslems are dominant or at least sizeable. It is now being recognised all over the world. It is perhaps time that the community undergoes some self-introspectipn and undertakes reforms that are long delayed and badly needed within it. Religion and religious practices must learn to evolve and keep pace with a progressive humanity or else the Time Spirit will break it and leave it behind.
Alok Da