It is true that the hostile forces create a himalaya of difficulties where they are supposed to obstruct by a hill between our aspiration and the goal. But it is equally true that the greater the obstacle the greater the eventual perfection. But then what about those who succumb under their influence? Well, though it is very distressing to those who are attached, impersonally speaking it means that the person was not ready to evolve further. He goes back to an earlier stage of evolution and return back after further preparation. Yes to our outer view a life is lost and wasted throwing much suffering in the process. But for each of these suffering brings a recompense at another level. Such is the divine dispensation of things that for all our suffering there is a divine recompense.
Of course this does not usually does not satisfy the physical mind of man that is unable to see beyond a single lifespan. It is however enough to know or have faith that behind all the anomalies that seem to have appeared as a fallout of the great plunge and the consequent evolutionary adventure, there is a Grace that walks with us. If we can open to this Grace, then the greatest of difficulties can turn into the soul’s opportunity that no hostile force can snatch away. After all, if we see closely men succumb to the hostile forces not so much because they are powerful but because we are weak in faith, full of vanity and fear, seeking a life of pleasure over progress. Instead of blaming the hostile forces it is always better to look within and see what has opened the doors to them. It is our want of faith that gives them much more power than they actually have.
Alok Da