I’ve met quite many people who seem to be interesting, provoke my mental curiosity, vital attraction, but I rarely get to meet someone who has a similar spiritual aspiration. And in such cases, there may be very little vital or physical attraction at all. Is it a mistake to get involved with someone who doesn’t share your spiritual path, even if there is an affinity at all the other levels? Also, what if the other person does have a path, but they are a buddhist, for example? Would that create a contradiction of spiritual currents🫤?

There are no such fixed rules in spiritual life which moves in a wide free space. Each journey is unique and different. What helps one may hinder another. So keep to the one main rule, to stay focused on and never to forget the goal if one has found it. The obstacles to progress are always within us, especially in our attitudes. Outer circumstances hardly matter. Those who want to progress turn every outer circumstance into a means of progress while others do not move much despite, what may be considered, outwardly very favourable circumstance.

As to relationship, its core is love and the sign of love is joy of togetherness and the urge to give. Two people walking on different paths may bring wideness whereas two people on the same path may quarrel with each other over petty things. Most important is harmony. Of course if the partner is very demanding or with low tendencies then it can create a great strain to live with such a person. But if there is a basic understanding, care, respect then it is a good start. The rest is a question of destiny and unfolding in real time.


Alok Da

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