
I am officially separated from my partner, but a part of me is struggling to let them go. Some of it stems from jealousy, the thought that they might find someone better. While I genuinely want them to be happy, there’s still a part of me holding on. How can I make peace with the idea that they may eventually find someone else and love that person 😪?

Let them find whoever they are destined to find but an abiding happiness through objects of desire is as rare, if not impossible in the

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The more I see the world, there is an anguish that grows in me at times. I am taught to pray to the divine in those situations. I was asking the mother to help me be conscious of my life purpose, after which, I feel more and more identified with Earth as a being, and so recently, there is an inner need in me to pray for the manifestation of divine will on Earth. I even feel like praying and offering certain natures of certain people I know to the mother for the best for them to happen. Is this okay? To pray to the mother for others, to pray or aspire for increasing the intensity of Earth’s aspiration? Somewhere mother has said that it is better if the person needing change prays on their own instead of someone else praying for them or am I misunderstanding something here? Thank you🙂

To pray for all, even for the wicked and the wretch, is indeed the highest of prayers. Such universal prayers are described in the Bhagawat

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January 10, 1917:”Dost Thou then want to teach me that every effort that has my own being as its aim will be useless and vain? That action alone which has as its motive the radiating of Thy Grace is accomplished with ease and success. When the will acts in the external life, it is powerful and effective; when it attempts to practice going inwards, it is without force or effect…. So all action undertaken for personal progress becomes more and more unfruitful, and consequently rarer and rarer. On the other hand, all outer action seems to gain in effectivity what the inner has lost. Thus, O Lord, Thou takest the instrument as it is, and if it has to be refined, that will come in the course of the work.” Alok da , can you please through light on this, its role in practical life🙏 .

This is one sign of the Superman that the Mother mentions. ‘All those who feel that their heart extends further than the limits of their

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Does your boyfriend/girlfriend need to know everything about you and your life? Thing is, there are parts that my boyfriend won’t understand, and I can’t expect him to understand. But the love I have for the other person is true in its essence. I can’t give up either for the other, but it feels not beautiful to hide things. Equally, I don’t have the space to talk openly and if he knew it would break his heart. Is it better to just break off one relationship😥?

This is a tricky situation. To start with no one can ever understand the other person fully. In fact we ourselves cannot understand our own

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Sir, we have desires, but one cannot demand more than a form. If someone imagines the infinite, they use things like the ocean or the sky, which are forms in themselves. Even the concept of the formless is an attempt to give it a form. The poetry of poets is also in these forms; it attempts to express truth, beauty, love, and everything else within these forms. Sir, can we desire something beyond form? For that, we first need to know of its existence; and if we know that it exists, it will take on a form because we have a mind, is that correct🤔?

Yes, to arrive at the Formless we have to go through the doors of form. To arrive at the infinite we have to go beyond

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What is the difference in integral yoga and vaishnav bhakti yoga. In vaishna yoga surrender is the mean for sadhana and many great vaishnav saints have achieved the highest realization. In vaishnav literature we found the psychic transformation which express through many bhakti sangit, bhajan etc. If the psychic transformation can prepared us another two transformation so why the great bhakti yogis are not speak about supramental? Really I don’t know what is supramental and why it is necessary for mankind? If through bhakti the psychic transformation is happening then is it right to those great bhakts have realised that state they have also go through this purification of nature and they have fought in nature level, if it is true then why Sri Aurobindo says this is new yoga? I can’t understand it. Dada Can you clarify my doubt🙄.

Vaishnava bhakti, in fact any true bhakti as we see in certain forms of Christian Yoga, Sufism, Shakta bhakti can all lead to psychic realisation,

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Alok da I see all around women getting injections on their faces, getting plastic surgeries, it looks so ugly and fake, why people don’t realise or see that it’s looks so bad, millions of dollars spend to permanently damage one’s body, why do women do this, I feel because though they call them selves modern yet they want to be pleasure object to men or is it that they want to reverse age on the lines of an aspiration to remain young? When will this falsehood stop when will the beauty’s standards change😠 ? 

Women (and Men) who pay an excessive importance to ‘looks’ generally suffer from low self esteem. They are not leading their own true life hence

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I had a very conscious dream last month..I was upset about non-existence of true love that day. I was lying facing the ceiling with my open hands in bed. In my half sleep I clearly consciously felt a huge rough but sweet and loving hand touching my finger with his one finger. Hand was very very rough and huge. But I felt so good after that, I told about this conscious incident in my sleep to my daughters and left it. I was so conscious about my bed room and my sleeping position and that hand. I have the habit of watching tik tok videos.I have many lord Shiva😇 songs popping up. I suddenly saw a video this week with the same hand touching a single finger of a lady reaching out for lord Shiva. I was shocked as it was the same hand and same incident. It was Lord Shiva and in the post it was written “Who said true love does not exist” Is it Shiva who came to console me??It is so shocking to me. How can this be true?

It is very clearly a true and beautiful experience. Why can’t Shiva come at your call or simply sensing your need. He is a great

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In 1st time when we enter to this yoga then we feel the psychic devotion and aspiration towards the mother and lord. But after some long time why we loose this contact and facing the challenges of nature, whether it like great or tiny challenge? In which attitude we will face this problem and can be establish the same contact with the divine through psychically🙂?

This happens to all because we are not composed of one part. At the first the part that is most open is touched under the

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I have a question regarding one of the mother’s statement on Durga, where she asks durga to surrender. Dada, how Durga is not a part of our mother as we have grown up listening her stories and she is considered a divine embodiment herself, so how is she different or distant from mother. When we talk about Mahakali, Mahasaraswati aspects are we referring to different approaches of mother or they are different divine beings altogether🤔?

Durga is very much an aspect of the Divine Mother just as the great Gods Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma and the rest. In fact seen from

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