This is a slippery slope for which the safest answer is no because sexuality generally turns the consciousness downwards and outwards whereas spirituality is about turning the same energy inwards and upwards. This of course is the general answer.
However in terms of possibility then it is possible to transmute sexuality into a means for the transmission of spiritual energy as we read in some stories where Yogis did niyoga to facilitate conception as with Rishi Vyas and Parashar.
There is a yet higher possibility of transformation of the sex centre and turn the meeting of a man and woman into a union of Purusha and Prakriti or even Ishwara and Shakti by the joining and union of two complimentary beings who are like twin flames from one Fire. But this requires a tremendous degree of self mastery, a complete conquest over desires and a total rejection of all the crude animal movements associated with sex.
But for obvious reasons, it is and has been often misused to justify all kinds of things in the name of spirituality. Hence it is best not to let the mind be occupied with it especially since it requires such a high degree of self mastery and, in fact, the abolition of desires.
Alok Da