Day to Day Life

I feed birds🐦 almost every day in our backyard. I have bird seed and I also feed the stale bread, or roti. Lot of birds come and it is fun to watch them from the window. Lately I have noticed 3 crows coming and making lot of noise. I have put out some rice couple of times. I am not sure if they come to eat rice or they are coming for some other reason. I know thee is some importance in our culture attached to crows. Could you guide?

The crow symbolises practical intelligence. As birds they are very intelligent and sometimes can sometimes they get attached to human beings. They are also quite

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When you get a chance, can you please elaborate😳 on the below lines further. Thank you Alok da, “….The power of the vital should be mistrusted, it is a tempter on the path of the work, and there is always a risk of falling into its trap, for it gives you the taste of immediate results; and, in our first eagerness to do the work well, we let ourselves be carried away to make use of this power. But very soon it deflects all our action from the right course and introduces a seed of illusion and death into what we do.”

The Vital enjoys action for the sake of action. Its impetus is desire of one kind of the other. Though it starts with much apparent

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Can fate be changed🤪?

Yes, the intervention of Divine Grace can completely change even the most fixed fate. Human effort or purusartha can also change certain lines of

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You mentioned in one of your talks to offer all the work to the Mother then one doesn’t worry about the outcome. But if it doesn’t come spontaneously from the hear that I am working for the Mother, what should one do? Currently, I work because I find joy in working or feel driven by possibilities of what all can be done. In this scenario, if one just holds the thought that I am working for the Mother but doesn’t feel it in the heart, will that be of help🙂?

The work may not be done for the Mother. In fact it is good to be honest about the motive behind the work which may

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