Questions Asked by Children

I saw a video that Neil Armstrong actually never walked on the moon🌝, they showed evidence that the flag was flying but here is no air in space, another the foot prints are different from the suit footprints and another one shows that there are no stars in the space, another shows that there is a rock written C on it, all that before Neil Armstrong walked down on the moon, so I don’t understand did he really walked on moon or not and why did America do all this?

This possibly doctored video was circulated long back in an effort to discredit America. But we should not discredit the genuine work of the scientists.

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We have a very strict sir, he scolds us at no reason, he once took my iPad, because it started with a notification😡. When we ask him a very logical question he shouts back at us saying why don’t you understand anything. And when we don’t ask a question he says why are you not involved in the class. In the exam he has given us a topic which he did not teach in class and it was hard. In the mock paper he should have given 35 mins but gave only 15 mins . He also had to check the pt papers within a week but gave in 2 weeks and 1 day. He also scolded us for not doing the homework but that only 4 people did not do out of 24 so why are the rest have to be scolded. What should we do?

You should learn from him how one should not behave as a grown up. And since you cannot change the teacher use it as an

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Today, I had a question. We all make mistakes😯, usually driven by impulses….May it be of sorrow, anger, jealousy, agony, in the root of all of which there is fear….It is easy ,in fact truly the easiest task to be driven by an impulse and make a mistake which may ruin several aspects of life,or leave a make which remains for long periods of time..Well is there any way to heal the harm you mistake has caused to everyone else and convey your corrected believes ,which are now free of the misbelieves caused by fears to everyone else, without having to wait for time to take charge and heal…

Beautiful questions, especially for your age. It shows a rare sensitivity that has the potential to blossom into a beautiful being. At the same time

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