
Following para is from the book Shakti & Shakta by Sir John Woodroffe, Page#418 & 419-Chapter XXI-Hindu Ritual: The Wave of Bliss🌊, citing Samaya Tantra, says: “By the worship of some Deva, liberation is with difficulty attained, and by the worship of others enjoyment is to be had, but in the case of the worshipper of the Mother, both enjoyment and liberation lie in the hollow of his hands.” But, unless prayed to, the Mother or Devī does not, give fruit, and naturally so. FOR THE DEVI IS MOVED TO ACTION THROUGH THE PRAYERS OF THE WORSHIPPER. ESSENTIALLY THE WORSHIPPER IS THE DEVĪ HERSELF, AND UNLESS SHE IN HER FORM AS THE WORSHIPPER IS MOVED, SHE IN HER ASPECT AS THE SUPREME LORD—“OUR LADY” DOES NOT MOVE. I am struggling to comprehend the above lines in capital letters. Request your kind guidance.

It means that All is the Divine Mother. The forms She has built by HER power of limiting Maya are Herself in disguise. The power

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How do we know that the events described in the scriptures 📚actually happened in the past? What evidence do we have to support their authenticity, and why do we trust the writings of the Rishis? While I understand that these writings display incredible imagination, why do we worship what may essentially be their imaginative creations?

There are three kinds of Scriptures. First type do not describe events but spiritual experiences that occur in inner subjective space and often belong to

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Is it useful to have separation of Purusha from Prakriti in Integral Yoga. Also is it necessary to attain this Purusha Consciousness before one can live in Supramental Consciousness 🧐. If yes then what are the steps to attain the Purusha Consciousness in Integral Yoga? If one only surrenders to Mother, can he also attain Purusha Consciousness and then Supramental Consciousness. Kindly discuss elaboratively on this Purusha Consciouness in the light of Sri Aurobindo and also in the light of Gita. Why Gita put more importance on surrender rather than having separation of Purusha from Prakriti. It will be nice if you can provide refences from Sri Aurobindo’s writing on this.

Separation of the Purusha from Prakriti by cultivating and deepening the Sakshi bhav (witness Consciousness) is indeed described as one of the first important steps

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What steps can I take daily to increase my love for Krishna? I do 2 japa a day and some bhajan and read books of Sri Aurobindo and Maa. Apart from that my whole day is a day of indulgences which take me towards darkness. I can never keep habits for long. Do I don’t want to change bad enough that I’m not changing. Regret and lament🫣 is all that I do after hasty decisions

First thing is to cut out regret and lament. That only saps energy and makes us feel increasingly underconfident and eventually give up effort.

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It is often advised that one should practice seeing the Divine in others as a part of yogic growth. While seeing the Divine in gentle and beautiful people is easy, how does one see the Divine in those who are brutish, nasty and mean😨? This stand feels a little difficult (and confusing) because the dynamic side of manifestation is not quite an exact representation of Divine Will and ignorance and evil still are at play.

It is true that it is difficult to see the Divine in everyone but that is mainly because we associate the Divine with goodness, especially

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