
Sir, simplify my doubt about some terms. I understand to find the psychic being🌟 but psychic opening and psychic being in forefront, this term I don’t understand. Is it same to find the being, psychic opening and psychic forefront? What traditional yoga say about the psychic being and is to find the psychic being compulsory for other yoga?

Psychic being means our true inner self, the soul within that develops into a distinct being through a number of lives. The soul is like

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What is God😇?

To the yogis and mystics – God is to be known by experience. Several yogis have experienced God through the Ages and have invariably described

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How to manage practicality and spiritual path…one says that Maa will take care…what about other necessities of life where one has to put efforts like financial freedom, family issues,and so on…If you offer anger to Maa that’s ok but sometime people take it oh how helpless and fool he or she is…How can one manage emotions smartly🙄?

If the Mother has to do everything then there is no need of sadhana or yoga or anything else. This is just what Sri Aurobindo

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I had asked you about why is it that I am having difficulty associating with, let us say, pictures of Gods😇, Vishnu on Naga or Shankar on Kailash mountain. As I am studying more and more about Life after Death and Souls, I am realizing more and more, that although souls or spirits are pure energy, there must be some system as what happens to soul after he leaves the body. Let me explain further.

Quite so. We can look at the soul as the individualisation of pure energy or pure consciousness and hence it is a drop of Truth

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When you get a chance, can you please elaborate😳 on the below lines further. Thank you Alok da, “….The power of the vital should be mistrusted, it is a tempter on the path of the work, and there is always a risk of falling into its trap, for it gives you the taste of immediate results; and, in our first eagerness to do the work well, we let ourselves be carried away to make use of this power. But very soon it deflects all our action from the right course and introduces a seed of illusion and death into what we do.”

The Vital enjoys action for the sake of action. Its impetus is desire of one kind of the other. Though it starts with much apparent

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Can fate be changed🤪?

Yes, the intervention of Divine Grace can completely change even the most fixed fate. Human effort or purusartha can also change certain lines of

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