Nirahankar, निरहंकार, normoha, निर्मोह, ahamshoonya, अहमशून्य, are closely allied states. Nirahankar is the absence of egoism which is very much possible by the practice of equanimity and desirelessness (nishkama karma). Nirmoha is absence of delusion and attachment which is the state of a Jivanmukta. Ahamshoonya or egolessness comes by the realization of the One Self in all. It means one is no more identified with the mind, life and body which then continue to act under past impulsion. For the Supramental realisation, even the mind, life and body must be freed from the ego completely in the sense that losing their separativeness they must be one with the corresponding cosmic consciousness and open to the Transcendent Beyond. There is no more any personal mind, life and body.
Alok Da