What to answer when someone who has no clue asks who is The Mother and Sri Aurobindo 🤔?

The answer will vary from person to person depending upon the genuineness of the query, the openness to receive the answer, readiness to understand and the stage of development at which the person stands. One has to go by the inner feel and the inspiration.

However in general one can say that before Sri Aurobindo the choice was between leading a life of ignorance (and its consequent pleasure and pain, joy and suffering) trying to make the most of it, and an escape from the world into the Beyond, through nirvana, moksha or salvation. But Sri Aurobindo brings a new possibility of the transformation of earthly life into the Life Divine.


The tapasya of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother as well as the goal of their Integral Yoga is to change this life, here upon earth by establishing a new consciousness which they called as the Supermind. The Supramental consciousness is working upon earth since 1956 and slowly it will take humanity beyond its present limitations of the mind and eventually evolve those who are open and receptive into a new species, a new creation called as the Supramental being or a new race of divinised superhumanity of the future which is in the making now. According to Sri Aurobindo man is a transitional being, the creation of yesterday, who will be surpassed by the supramental being in the not so distant future just as man surpassed the animal and the ape. We can call it the new divine project in which all who feel called and drawn naturally and interested are welcome to explore further.


Alok Da

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