You need not get rid of vital affinities. What is needed is to rise above them so that our judgments and actions are not determined by it. In other words while it is natural that one may like to spend time with someone with whom one has an affinity, one should not let it influence one’s choices nor disregard the presence of people in our life who have each their own place but are not in affinity with us. Most importantly one should love all beings equally since God dwells in all and not let our views be biased by our affinities or the lack of it. For this one should practice equanimity and develop the discerning intelligence by turning it inward and upwards in concentration upon the Divine.
Kshara Purusha is the stable static aspect whereas Prakriti is the dynamic creative aspect of One Reality. Akshara Purusha is beyond and behind this inferior play of kshara Purusha and lower Prakriti. In the Akshara Brahman Prakriti is in complete quietude withdrawn and held back within Brahman.
Hope this helps.
Alok Da